Date: Fri, 18 Mar 94 11:07:21 PST From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #303 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Fri, 18 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 303 Today's Topics: 10 GHz EME question 1994 Contest calendar enclosed Alinco DJ580T price info needed! Converting CB to 10 meters Daily Summary of Solar Geophysical Activity for 16 March Deadhead Hams, Net Tonite!!!! IC22S Icom 737 CW Filter Switching Mod. IPS Daily Report - 17 March 94 Phonetic Alphabets Q codes? QSL-Manager for JW1BJA/JW5VK Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 17 Mar 1994 14:36:45 GMT From:!swrinde!!!pipex!sunic!psinntp!psinntp!! Subject: 10 GHz EME question To: Gary Coffman ( wrote: : In article <16MAR94.10615803.0021.MUSIC@SLUMUS> MOWE%SLUMUS.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (Michael Owen) writes: : >The Toronto VHF Society (VE3ONT) is beginning to make : >plans for EME operations using the 46 m (150') dish at : >Algonquin Park later this year. : I don't think so. The libration fading will be much reduced by : illuminating a smaller portion of the Moon. And gain is gain, : the extra gain will be usable for transmit. For receive it's : a somewhat different matter. Stations using small dishes will : be illuminating the entire lunar hemisphere. Your dish will : only receive part of that energy since the rest will fall outside : your beamwidth. But the extra dish gain should compensate for : that, and your receive strength should be similar to that of : a dish that just illuminates the entire Moon. And, you'll receive : less thermal noise from the rest of the Moon, and less libration : fading. So while the big dish won't be that much better for receive, : it won't be worse, and on transmit it will be a big help to other : stations because it's reflected signal will behave more like a : strong point source. One way of looking at the receive situation is that a big dish is really a combination of smaller dishes. In fact, on my wall I have a picture of the multiple mirror telescope. The energy accumulated by each dish does indeed add--how big can a solar collector be before it fails to pick up any more energy? The sun and moon have approximately the same apparent size to Earth observers. The beamwidth of an optical mirror is quite small compared to most single site radio antennas--the Palomar telescope has around 148 dBi of gain, if I recall correctly. Indeed, according to First Light, an observer was temporarily hurt trying to look at Venus with the telescope (the beam of light was light that of a movie projector, dust particles could be seen). A key question is how the moon reflects--its reflectance is 6% at radio waves and 7% at optical. Does it reflect like a silver ball, in which the angle of incidence equals the angle of refraction, or is there an almost uniform scattering, making it look like a white disk? What does it look like to you? The thermal noise of the moon brings up an interesting phenomena, with a big dish you no longer benefit as much from a low noise preamp, since the temperature of the moon is 260 Kelvin. On the other hand, a small dish looks at a little 260 Kelvin spot, possibly in an area of cold sky. But, from what I've read, people have been making contacts with 2 or 3 dB noise figure receivers. Thus, with your big dish, it probably doesn't make much sense to worry about getting the ultimate receiver, while it is useful on the lower bands. -- Zack Lau KH6CP/1 2 way QRP WAS 8 States on 10 GHz Internet: 10 grids on 2304 MHz ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Mar 1994 20:59:45 GMT From:!!!!eff!!wang! Subject: 1994 Contest calendar enclosed To: Here is the 1994 contest calendar from CQ. Each of the fields is separated by a TAB character, so they will line up in your word processor if you set tab stops at 3.5" and 5.5". That way you can use proportional space fonts to print it out if you'd rather, and then you don't have to deal with a bunch of spaces. Generic contest schedule (as of February 1994). (Source: CO 1994 Amateur Radio Almanac.) Contest Weekend/Month Hours ARRL RTTY Roundup 1/Jan. 24/30 AGCW-DL QRP CW Winter Contest 1/Jan. 15 Michigan QRP Club CW Contest 1/Jan. 36 LIONS-on-the-air CW Contest 1/Jan. 36 NCJ N.A.QSO Party-CW 2/Jan. 10/12 JA Int'l CW Contest (160,80,40M) 2/Jan. 48 LIONS-on-the-Air SSB Contest 2/Jan. 36 NCJ N.A. QSO Party-SSB 3/Jan. 10/12 HA DX CW Contest 3/Jan. 24 CO WW DX 160m CW Contest 4/Jan. 42 ARRL VHF Sweepstakes 33 REF CW Contest 4/Jan. 36 U.B.A. SSB Contest 4/Jan. 24 ARRL Novice Round-Up 4/Jan.-l/Feb. - NCJ N.A. Sprint-CW 1/Feb. 4 YL-ISSB CW OSO Party 1 /Feb. 48 Vermont State QSO Party 1/Feb. 24 Maine State QSO Party 1/Feb. 48 QCWA QSO Party-CW 1/Feb. 25 Classic Radio Exchange 1/Feb. 48 NCJ's N.A. Sprint-SSB 2/Feb. 4 Utah 160m Challenge 2/Feb. 48 EA RTTY Contest 2/Feb. 24 Dutch "PACC" Contest 2/Feb. 24 YLRL YL-OM SSB Contest 2/Feb. 24 New Hampshire QSO Party 2/Feb. 18 ARRL DX CW Contest 3/Feb. 48 YLRL YL-OM CW Contest 4/Feb. 24 CO WW DX 160m SSO Contest 4/Feb. 42 REF SSB Contest 4/Feb. 36 RSGB 7 MHz CW Contest 4/Feb. 18 North Dakota QSO Party 4/Feb. 24 U. B.A. CW Contest 4/Feb. 24 ARRL DX SSB Contest 1/Mar. 48 YL-ISSB SSB QSO Party 2/Mar. 48 QCWA QSO Party-SSB 2/Mar. 25 Wisconsin State QSO Party 2/Mar. 7 Bermuda Contest 3/Mar. 48 CLARA HF Contest 3/Mar. 24 Virginia State QSO Party 3/Mar. 32 BARTG Spring RTTY Contest 3/Mar. 30 CO WW WPX SSO Contest last/Mar. 48 Poisson d'Avril Contest 1/Apr. - ARCI QRP CW Spring QSO Party 1/Apr. 24 SP DX Contest 1/Apr. 36 ARRL VHF/UHF Spring Sprint-144 MHz 1/Apr. 4 JA Int'l CW Contest (20,15,10M) 2/Apr. 48 Yuri Gagarin Cup-CW 2/Apr. 24 Holyland DX Contest SSB, CW 2/Apr. 24 ARRL VHF/UHF Spring Sprint-222 MHz 2/Apr. 4 SARTG AMTOR Contest 3/Apr. 24 QST QSO Award Party 3/Apr. 24 Connecticut QSO Party 3/Apr. 28 Spring NWQRP Sprint-CW 3/Apr. 4 ARRL VHF/UHF Spring Sprint-432 MHz 3/Apr. 4 MARAC SSB County Hunters Contest 3/Apr. 48 Swiss HELVETIA Contest SSB, CW 4/Apr. 24 Georgia OSO Party 4/Apr. 28 ARI Int'l DX Contest SSB, CW, RTTY 1/May 24 MARAC CW County Hunters Contest 1/May 48 ARRL UHF Spring Sprint 1/May 4 (902/1296/2304 MHz) Texas State QSO Party 1/May 48 Oregon State QSO Party 1/May 48 10-X lnt'l Spring CW QSO Party 1/May 48 CQ-M Contest SSB,CW 2/May 24 ARI A.VOLTA RTTY Contest 2/May 24 Massachusetts QSO Party 2/May 30 Nevada State QSO Party 2/May 48 Danish SSTV Contest 2/May 48 Michigan State QSO Party 3/May 24 ARRL Spring Sprint-50 MHz 3/May 4 ARRL DX Contest 4/May 14 CO WW WPX CW Contest last/May 48 RSGB National Field Day 1/Jun. 24 Portugal Day Contest 1/Jun. 24 ARRL June VHF Contest 2/Jun 33 ANARTS WW RTTY Contest 2/Jun. 48 All Asian CW Contest 3/Jun. 48 SMIRK 50 MHz QSO Party 3/Jun. 48 ARRL Field Day 4/Jun. 27 R.A.C. Canada Day Contest 1/Jul. 24 Venezuela Independance Day SSB Contest 1/Jul. 48 IARU HF Championship SSB-CW 2/Jul. 24 CO WW WPX VHF Contest 2IJul. 27 ARCI QRP Summer Homebrew Sprint-CW 2/Jul. 4 Colombian Independence Day Contest 3/Jul. 24 SEANET CW Contest 3/Jul. 48 AGCW-DL QRP CW Summer Contest 3/Jul. 24 Venezuela Independence Day CW Contest 4/Jul. 48 RSGB IOTA HF Contest 4/Jul. 24 NCJ N.A. QSO Party-CW 1/Aug. 10/12 ARR,L UHF Contest 1/Aug. 24 YO DX HF Contest 1/Aug. 20 WAE CW Contest 2/Aug. 36 Maryland-D.C. QSO Party 2/Aug. 19 SARTG WW RTTY Contest 3/Aug. 24 NCJ N.A. QSO Party-SSB 3/Aug. 10/12 SEANET SSB Contest 3/Aug. 48 New Jersey State QSO Party 3/Aug. 1 7 ARRL lOGhz Cumulative Contest-Part 1 3/Aug. 24 Empire State (N.Y.) QSO Party 4/Aug. 30 NCJ N.A. Sprint-CW 1/Sept. 4 R.A.C. VHF/UHF Sprint 1/Sept. 4 (902/1296/2304 MHz) LZ-DX-Contest 1/Sept. 48 All-Asian SSB Contest 1/Sept. 48 Panama Anniversary Contest 1/Sept. 24 WAE DARC SSB Contest 2/Sept. 36 ARRL VHF QSO Party 2/Sept. 33 NCJ's N.A. Sprint-SSB 2/Sept. 4 R.A.C. VHF/UHF Sprint-432 MHz 2/Sept. 4 Montana State QSO Party 2/Sept. 48 ARRL 10 GHz Cumulative Contest-Part 2 3/Sept. 24 R.A.C. VHF/UHF Sprint-220 MHz 3/Sept. 4 Scandinavian CW Contest 3/Sept. 27 CO WW RTTY Contest 4/Sept. 48 R.A.C. VHF/UHF Sprint-144 MHz 4/Sept. 4 Scandinavian SSB Contest 4/Sept. 27 Washington State Salmon Run 4/Sept. 31 Classic Radio Exchange 4/Sept. 48 VK/ZL SSB DX Contest 1/Oct. 24 California QSO Party (COP) 1/Oct. 30 F9AA Cup Contest 1/Oct. 24 R.A.C. VHF/UHF Sprint-50 MHz 1 /Oct. 48 VK/ZL CW DX Contest 2/Oct. 24 RSGB 21/28 MHz SSB Contest 2/Oct. 1 4 Illinois State QSO Party 2/Oct. 8 Ilberoamericano SSB Contest 2/Oct. 24 YLRL CW Anniversary Party 2/Oct. 24 RSGB 21 MHz CW Contest 3/Oct. 14 ARCI QRP CW Contest 3/Oct. 36 W.A.G. Worked All Germany 3/Oct. 24 All-Asian SSB Contest 4/Oct. 48 YLRL SSB Anniversary Party 4/Oct. 24 CO WW DX Phone Contest last/Oct. 48 ARRL Sweepstakes CW 1/Nov. 24/30 JA lnt'i DX SSB Contest 1/Nov. 48 OK DX Contest 2/Nov. 24 WAE DARC RTTY Contest 2/Nov. 36 ARRL EME Contest 2/Nov. 48 ARRL Sweepstakes SSB 3/Nov. 24/30 CO WW DX CW Contest last/Nov. 48 ARRL 160m DX Contest 1 /Dec. 42 ARRL 10m DX Contest 2/Dec. 36/48 -- Dave Bushong, Wang Laboratories, Inc. ------------------------------ Date: 17 Mar 1994 23:02:23 GMT From:!!usc!!wupost!gumby!!!utcsri!utnut!nott!cunews!! Subject: Alinco DJ580T price info needed! To: I bought my 580T last June in Dallas and I paid $370. I haven't seen it much cheaper since. I like the radio but if you get it invest in a decent antenna and find someone to show you which jumpers to cut for wideband vhf and 800 mhz receive 73's es see ya' de N5HF ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Mar 1994 14:21:33 GMT From:!agate!boulder!csn! Subject: Converting CB to 10 meters To: I have had several QSOs with people on 10 meters who were using converted CBs. I have a CB sitting in my junk box and was wondering if it could be put to use in the 10 meter band. Is there some service center I can send it to have it done? Is it something I can do myself? (The CB in question is a Cobra Model 19 Plus, manufactured in 1988.) In general, how hard is it to do this (ie maybe easier on older model CBs)? Enquiring minds want to know. :-) TNX and 73, Erik -- Erik Mugele * * "O child learn your ABZ's * * and memorize them well Ham Radio: N5XYX * No NeXTMail yet! * and you shall learn to talk and think DoD #: 1030 * Phone: 719.550.6202 * and read and write and spel." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Mar 1994 11:47:22 MST From:!usc!!!!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: Daily Summary of Solar Geophysical Activity for 16 March To: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ DAILY SUMMARY OF SOLAR GEOPHYSICAL ACTIVITY 16 MARCH, 1994 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ (Based In-Part On SESC Observational Data) SOLAR AND GEOPHYSICAL ACTIVITY INDICES FOR 16 MARCH, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Minor stratospheric warming is continuing over eastern Siberia, Alaska, and the Canadian Arctic. Temperature gradient is reversed between 60N and the pole in the middle and upper stratosphere from 30 HPA upwards. !!BEGIN!! (1.0) S.T.D. Solar Geophysical Data Broadcast for DAY 075, 03/16/94 10.7 FLUX=086.2 90-AVG=106 SSN=031 BKI=4332 3423 BAI=016 BGND-XRAY=A4.2 FLU1=7.6E+06 FLU10=2.0E+04 PKI=4343 3433 PAI=018 BOU-DEV=055,027,039,016,025,042,018,021 DEV-AVG=030 NT SWF=00:000 XRAY-MAX= B1.6 @ 1603UT XRAY-MIN= A2.9 @ 1949UT XRAY-AVG= A6.3 NEUTN-MAX= +004% @ 1450UT NEUTN-MIN= -003% @ 0410UT NEUTN-AVG= +0.3% PCA-MAX= +0.1DB @ 0230UT PCA-MIN= -0.4DB @ 2355UT PCA-AVG= -0.1DB BOUTF-MAX=55350NT @ 0236UT BOUTF-MIN=55301NT @ 1705UT BOUTF-AVG=55332NT GOES7-MAX=P:+000NT@ 0000UT GOES7-MIN=N:+000NT@ 0000UT G7-AVG=+078,+000,+000 GOES6-MAX=P:+128NT@ 1823UT GOES6-MIN=N:-097NT@ 0609UT G6-AVG=+097,+023,-047 FLUXFCST=STD:085,085,090;SESC:085,085,090 BAI/PAI-FCST=015,010,010/015,010,010 KFCST=2334 5222 1234 4322 27DAY-AP=008,007 27DAY-KP=2233 2222 2223 2213 WARNINGS=*GSTRM;*AURMIDWCH ALERTS=**MINSTRM !!END-DATA!! NOTE: The Effective Sunspot Number for 15 MAR 94 was 36.5. The Full Kp Indices for 15 MAR 94 are: 5o 6- 5+ 5o 5- 5- 4- 4- The 3-Hr Ap Indices for 15 MAR 94 are: 45 63 59 48 43 39 23 21 Greater than 2 MeV Electron Fluence for 16 MAR is: 3.1E+09 SYNOPSIS OF ACTIVITY -------------------- Solar activity was very low. Regions 7688 (N19W06) and 7692 (N18E57) are the sole spot groups visible. Both have been quiet. Solar activity forecast: solar activity is expected to be very low throughout the interval. The geomagnetic field has been quiet to active at middle latitude sites. High latitudes experienced unsettled to active conditions. The greater than 2 MeV electron fluxes remained at levels comparable to those observed over the past week. STD: Total daily electron fluence reached a maximum of 3.1E+09 electrons/cm^2-ster-day, surpassing the previous maximum of 2.4E+09 set on 12 March, about 3 days after this event began. Electrons today reach high to very high levels. Geophysical activity forecast: the geomagnetic field is expected to be predominantly unsettled for the next three days. Episodes of active to minor storm conditions may occur during local nighttime hours. Event probabilities 17 mar-19 mar Class M 01/01/01 Class X 01/01/01 Proton 01/01/01 PCAF Green Geomagnetic activity probabilities 17 mar-19 mar A. Middle Latitudes Active 30/25/15 Minor Storm 20/15/10 Major-Severe Storm 10/05/05 B. High Latitudes Active 35/25/20 Minor Storm 25/20/15 Major-Severe Storm 10/05/05 HF propagation conditions improved over the last 24 hours, but were still somewhat degraded over the high and polar latitude paths. Most middle latitude paths are seeing near-normal conditions with sporadic night-sector instabilities. Periods of additional night-sector geomagnetic and auroral substorming should continue to produce occasional minor signal degradation from the middle to polar latitudes. Otherwise, gradual improvements should persist over the next 72 hours. Most regions should see near-normal propagation by about 18 March. COPIES OF JOINT USAF/NOAA SESC SOLAR GEOPHYSICAL REPORTS ======================================================== REGIONS WITH SUNSPOTS. LOCATIONS VALID AT 16/2400Z MARCH -------------------------------------------------------- NMBR LOCATION LO AREA Z LL NN MAG TYPE 7688 N19W06 225 0100 CAO 09 010 BETA 7692 N18E58 161 0090 HSX 02 001 ALPHA 7691 N07W18 237 PLAGE REGIONS DUE TO RETURN 17 MARCH TO 19 MARCH NMBR LAT LO 7683 S18 090 LISTING OF SOLAR ENERGETIC EVENTS FOR 16 MARCH, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MAX END RGN LOC XRAY OP 245MHZ 10CM SWEEP 1328 1329 1329 140 POSSIBLE CORONAL MASS EJECTION EVENTS FOR 16 MARCH, 1994 -------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MAX END LOCATION TYPE SIZE DUR II IV NO EVENTS OBSERVED INFERRED CORONAL HOLES. LOCATIONS VALID AT 16/2400Z --------------------------------------------------- ISOLATED HOLES AND POLAR EXTENSIONS EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH CAR TYPE POL AREA OBSN 70 N37E53 S19E40 N02E12 N50E44 190 ISO POS 029 10830A SUMMARY OF FLARE EVENTS FOR THE PREVIOUS UTC DAY ------------------------------------------------ Date Begin Max End Xray Op Region Locn 2695 MHz 8800 MHz 15.4 GHz ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- 15 Mar: 0106 0131 0146 B1.2 0341 0410 0432 B2.2 1125 1132 1136 B4.0 1305 1309 1313 B1.5 1451 1452 1459 SF 7688 N16E07 REGION FLARE STATISTICS FOR THE PREVIOUS UTC DAY ------------------------------------------------ C M X S 1 2 3 4 Total (%) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- ------ Region 7688: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 001 (20.0) Uncorrellated: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 004 (80.0) Total Events: 005 optical and x-ray. EVENTS WITH SWEEPS AND/OR OPTICAL PHENOMENA FOR THE LAST UTC DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date Begin Max End Xray Op Region Locn Sweeps/Optical Observations ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ------ --------------------------- 15 Mar: 1125 1132 1136 B4.0 Surge 1451 1452 1459 SF 7688 N16E07 III,V NOTES: All times are in Universal Time (UT). Characters preceding begin, max, and end times are defined as: B = Before, U = Uncertain, A = After. All times associated with x-ray flares (ex. flares which produce associated x-ray bursts) refer to the begin, max, and end times of the x-rays. Flares which are not associated with x-ray signatures use the optical observations to determine the begin, max, and end times. Acronyms used to identify sweeps and optical phenomena include: II = Type II Sweep Frequency Event III = Type III Sweep IV = Type IV Sweep V = Type V Sweep Continuum = Continuum Radio Event Loop = Loop Prominence System, Spray = Limb Spray, Surge = Bright Limb Surge, EPL = Eruptive Prominence on the Limb. ** End of Daily Report ** ------------------------------ Date: 17 Mar 94 22:37:04 GMT From:!!!csn!yuma! Subject: Deadhead Hams, Net Tonite!!!! To: Curtis, KA8WFC posted asking for Deadheads that are hams and I, Galen KF0YJ, responded. We're going to try to get on 3932 kHz at 05:00 UTC (midnite eastern) and see if we can build a net, so join on in!!! If 75m doesn't work, I'm gonna try 7273 and 7260 kHz in that order. 14.288 was also mentioned as a weekend freq. Hear you there, Galen, KF0YJ ------------------------------ Date: 18 Mar 94 16:59:12 GMT From: Subject: IC22S To: Text item: Text_1 >Would like to get mods for +5K and +10K steps for prog freq. Want to >know if it is possible to modify for transmit from 144Mhz to 148Mhz. > Dwight, TechnoLogic Concepts, 1803 Mission St., Suite 308, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 offers a kit for the ICOM-22S that allows continuous coverage from 144.62 to 147.90 MHz in 5khz steps. 73, Cecil, (I do not speak for Intel on Internet) ------------------------------ Date: 17 Mar 1994 14:22:53 GMT From:!swrinde!sgiblab!!!!! Subject: Icom 737 CW Filter Switching Mod. To: I am WITHDRAWING this modification!!!!! I am embarassed to say that this mod works, BUT may effect switching in other modes (SSB,AM/FM). I will fix the mod and post a new one once I fix the existing problem. I apoligize for my lack of test equipment! Greg ----------------- Greg Chartrand _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Mar 1994 23:54:32 GMT From:!!!sserve!usage!metro!ipso! Subject: IPS Daily Report - 17 March 94 To: SUBJ: IPS DAILY SOLAR AND GEOPHYSICAL REPORT ISSUED AT 17/2330Z MARCH 1994 BY IPS RADIO AND SPACE SERVICES FROM THE REGIONAL WARNING CENTRE (RWC), SYDNEY. SUMMARY FOR 17 MARCH AND FORECAST UP TO 20 MARCH No warning is current. ----------------------------------------------------------- 1A. SOLAR SUMMARY Activity: very low Flares: none. Observed 10.7 cm flux/Equivalent Sunspot Number : 085/027 1B. SOLAR FORECAST 18 March 19 March 20 March Activity Very low Very low Very low Fadeouts None expected None expected None expected Forecast 10.7 cm flux/Equivalent Sunspot Number : 085/027 1C. SOLAR COMMENT None. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2A. MAGNETIC SUMMARY Geomagnetic field at Learmonth : unsettled to active Estimated Indices : A K Observed A Index 16 March Learmonth 21 3435 4332 Fredericksburg 22 19 Planetary 30 18 2B. MAGNETIC FORECAST DATE Ap CONDITIONS 18 Mar 25 Unsettled with possible active periods. 19 Mar 15 Unsettled. 20 Mar 10 Quiet to unsettled. 2C. MAGNETIC COMMENT None. 3A. GLOBAL HF PROPAGATION SUMMARY LATITUDE BAND DATE LOW MIDDLE HIGH 17 Mar normal normal-fair fair PCA Event : None. 3B. GLOBAL HF PROPAGATION FORECAST LATITUDE BAND DATE LOW MIDDLE HIGH 18 Mar normal fair-normal fair 19 Mar normal fair-normal fair 20 Mar normal normal fair-normal 3C. GLOBAL HF PROPAGATION COMMENT NONE. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4A. AUSTRALIAN REGION IONOSPHERIC SUMMARY MUFs at Sydney were depressed 15-30% during local day, with spread F conditions during local night. Observed T index for 17 March: 8 Predicted Monthly T Index for March is 40. 4B. AUSTRALIAN REGION IONOSPHERIC FORECAST DATE T-index MUFs 18 Mar 10 Depressed 15-30% during local day to near predicted monthly values at night. 19 Mar 30 Near predicted monthly values. 20 Mar 35 Near predicted monthly values. 4C. AUSTRALIAN REGION COMMENT None. -- IPS Regional Warning Centre, Sydney |IPS Radio and Space Services email: fax: +61 2 4148331 |PO Box 5606 RWC Duty Forecaster tel: +61 2 4148329 |West Chatswood NSW 2057 Recorded Message tel: +61 2 4148330 |AUSTRALIA ------------------------------ Date: 17 Mar 1994 21:04:43 GMT From:!agate! Subject: Phonetic Alphabets To: I found these posted to a bbs, so I checked 'em & added references. Enjoy! Cliff Stoll K7TA (please don't send me e-mail for a while, my mailbox overfloweth) Phonetic Alphabet for World War II: [source: ARRL 1945 Handbook pg 359 "Used by Armed services of USA & GB"] Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog, Easy, Fox, George, How, Item, Jig, King, Love, Mike, Nan, Oboe, Peter, Queen, Roger, Sugar, Tare, Uncle, Victor, William, Xray, Yoke, Zebra. Phonetic Alphabet for NATO: [source??] Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Gold, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Xray, Yankee, Zulu. Phonetic Alphabet for ITU: [from ARRL '93 Handbook, pg 37-7] (same as that NATO list except "Golf" instead of "Gold" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 12 Mar 1994 23:07:24 GMT From:!usc!!torn!!xenitec!tdkcs!isle! Subject: Q codes? To: I bet this a been asked many times before..... but where can I find a list of the "Q" codes .... I'm not an amateur operater... but I do monitor alot... thanx. Darrin Norman ------------------------------ Date: 17 Mar 1994 23:20:55 GMT From:!!!!!!sunic!!!!mac_inge! Subject: QSL-Manager for JW1BJA/JW5VK To: Hello everybody! All is now ready for my little dx'pedition to Svalbard Isl. We will go up there tomorrow, March 18, and we will be there until Monday 21. We will try to be as active as possible on all bands, including WARC bands. This is maybe the first time JW is activated on SSB on the "new" WARC bands. The QSL-MANAGER for both me (JW1BJA), and my father (JW5VK) will be: direct/bureau to LA5VK 73s and Good DX! ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #303 ******************************